Testosterone in bodybuilding is an effective drug on the course
Synthetic testosterone has been actively used in sports since the 60s of the last century. You can buy testosterone at the best price from official suppliers. The test ester must be present in any course to replenish testosterone levels in the body after the use of an anabolic steroid.
Testosterone is the hormone that serves as the base molecule for most hormonal (androgenic) drugs. By changing this molecule (by adding or removing atoms), one or another drug is synthesized. So, for example, testosterone propionate is a testosterone molecule to which the propionic acid ester is attached, it is she who determines the pharmacological properties and features of the action of this substance.
Testosterone Propionate is the shortest ester. It disintegrates within 2-3 days, the detection period on doping tests is up to 40 days. Injections of testosterone propitonate are given. usually. every other day at a dosage of 50-100 mg. Propionate is great for beginner athletes. Also, this ether is used at the exit from complex courses. Propionate is often used for drying as it does not aromatize as much as long esters.
Testosterone Phenylpropionate acts in the body for 3 days. Injections are carried out every other day.
Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate are two similar esters that differ only in the ester chain. Enanthate is valid for 8 days. Such esters are used for mass gain, as they retain water in the muscles. The dosage varies from 250 to 750 mg per week, put enanthate and cypionate 1-2 times a week. For novice athletes, a dosage of 250 mg per week is sufficient. Basically, these esters are combined with drugs such as Methandienone and Nandrolone Decanoate (phenylpropionate).
Sustanon ("sust") is a mixture of various forms of testosterone. Includes 4 testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocarpoan and decanoate. Each of these elements is absorbed into the blood at a different rate. Due to this feature, the steroid maintains a high concentration of the hormone for a long time, over one month. The components operate in the same order as described earlier.
Steroid profile:
The characteristic features of taking the drug are reduced to the fact that it is not recommended to use it for minors who have any contraindications. The duration of the course ranges from 6 to 8 weeks. To maintain a high concentration of the hormone in the blood, injections are made every day. Dosage from 250 to 500 mg.
This is the esterified form of the hormone, with the shortest period of action. It is used during the drying period, when it is necessary to maintain the gained muscle mass.
Steroid profile:
The solo course is ideal for beginners who are looking to gain or maintain muscle size. It is extremely rarely used by one drug per cycle, since it has a high androgenic activity, moreover, it goes well with many drugs in pharmacology. The first course is recommended to start with 50 mg, the frequency of injections every other day. This allows you to ensure the evenness of the hormonal background and track the reaction of the body.
It is an esterified form of testosterone. It has pronounced anabolic properties, accelerates protein synthesis.
Steroid profile: