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V_STANOL 50, 10 ML

1152 ฿

Available: 39 pcs.



756 ฿

Available: 41 pcs.


Effects of Stanozolol

Stanozolol works differently from other anabolic drugs. It gives relief and burns subcutaneous fat, therefore, as a rule, it is used for drying. Stanozolol reduces the level of SHBG by more than 50%, due to this, it powerfully enhances the effect of other steroids. This means that when combining other steroids with Stan, the effect will be much more pronounced. Stanozolol has the largest anabolic ratio, this guarantees its safety, prep has virtually no androgenic side effects. Winstrol tablets reduce the side effects of other drugs and perfectly stabilize the steroid cycle. It does not provoke gynecomastia, does not accumulate water, does not cause acne, etc.

  • muscle density
  • Powerful pumping
  • The growth of high-quality lean muscle mass
  • Reduces the estrogenic effects of other steroid drugs
  • High growth of power and speed indicators
  • Powerful fat burning effect
  • Venous drawing, relief
  • Removes excess fluid from the body
  • Reduces SHBG levels by 50%
  • Highest safety of use
  • Virtually no side effects

Stromba powerfully enhances the effect of other steroids and significantly improves the quality of the gained muscle mass. Provides pronounced pumping, gives the appearance of aggressive muscularity. The effect of stanozolol unfolds quite quickly - approximately by the end of the first week of the course.

Stanozolol: profile, properties

  • Anabolic / androgenic activity - 320 / 30
  • Not subject to aromatization
  • Toxic effect - weak
  • Action - about eight hours
  • Detection - up to 10 months

Course of Stanozolol

The stanozolol solo course is suitable for drying for those athletes who have already gained sufficient body weight. This is an effective solution when you need to work on relief, muscle definition and burn excess fat. Due to its high safety, Stanozolol is also suitable for a beginner, as a first course. The collected mass will be dry and of high quality, and the result will remain for a long time.

The effective dosage of stanozolol in bodybuilding tablets is 20-40 mg per day, divided into several equal parts. For boxers and athletes, 15-30 mg of stanozolol per day will be enough. The course of stanozolol lasts 6-8 weeks. A few days after the end of the course, it is desirable to carry out standard post-cycle therapy.

Combined courses of Stanozolol

Depending on the goals, stanozolol can be used to solve different problems: it is used both for gaining dry and high-quality mass, and as one of the main drugs in drying cycles. Many athletes recommend including testosterone in any Winstrol cycle. Testosterone enhances sexual desire and provides a powerful mental boost that allows you to train harder and recover quickly. Testosterone reliably protects joints and ligaments, while stanozolol powerfully reduces SHBG levels and significantly increases the effective return on testosterone. To quickly restore hormone levels, use tamoxifen and clenbuterol.

Stanozolol + Testosterone.

Perhaps this is the most popular combination, which is universally suitable for both increasing dry mass without fluid retention and for a good fat burning effect. The drugs complement each other perfectly, while reducing the risk of side effects. With the right diet and training, you can get up to 5 kg of lean muscle mass with minimal rollback phenomenon.

  • Stanozolol: 30-50 mg per day;
  • Testosterone: 250-500 mg per week;
  • Duration: 5-7 weeks.
  • PCT: tamoxifen

Stanozolol + Nandrolone + Testosterone.

The course allows you to get a good quality dry mass and a significant increase in strength. The combination is the gold standard for quality mass. and ideal for compatibility. Stanozolol goes well with any testosterone esters in any course. Testosterone powerfully increases strength, nandrolone allows you to get high-quality mass. Stanozolol balances the steroid course by reducing the prolactin activity of nandrolone. and increases the return on testosterone use. This course allows you to easily gain 8-10 kg of dry weight.

  • Stanozolol: 30-50 mg per day;
  • Testosterone: 250-500 mg per week;
  • Nandrolone: 200-400 mg per week;
  • Duration: 6-9 weeks.
  • PCT: clomid

Stanozolol + Trenbolone + Testosterone.

This course is used by athletes who want to get the best quality of the gained mass and pronounced relief without any compromise. The combination gives a very powerful feeling of courage and drive, sexual desire increases significantly. Trenbolone and testosterone powerfully increase strength, stanozolol gives dryness and reduces the side effects of the cycle. This combination is the most effective for gaining lean, aggressive muscle mass, but is not recommended for beginners. For 6 weeks, you can get up to 15 kg of dry weight.

  1. Stanozolol: 30-50 mg per day;
  2. Testosterone: 250-500 mg per week;
  3. Trenbolone: 200-300 mg per week;
  4. Duration: 5-7 weeks;
  5. PCT: Clomid for a month.

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